ATHE is a study program from UK that serves as an intellectual and artistic centre for producing new knowledge about performance discipline and creating alliances with other scholarly and creative discipline that connect the professional with community by promoting access and equity to the people of that community. ATHE provides qualifications in management, business, tourism health & social care and ATHE has been working with many universities from all over the world including Indonesia and Singapore universities and schools which mean it’s trusted for the community.

In Singapore, ATHE works with MDIS University which is popular for its business management major and MDIS likes to give us working professionals so later we could manage a lot of flexibility in our workplace. The course in MDIS is very application based and they also like to challenged us to think creatively in improving our skills, capabilities, and competencies  in any projects

The lecturers in MDIS also had a wealth of experience.  They share case studies and personal career stories, as well as advice on how to succeed in the working world while, In Indonesia, ATHE works with Lilin Bangsa Intercultural School; it is an international school that serves kinder gardens until Pre-University students. Lilin Bangsa provides conducive and high class environment, latest syllabus from Cambridge, trilingual program, an easy entry to Pre-University, and lastly, Lilin Bangsa provides ATHE, a fast track study programme that connect us to many universities in Singapore, Australia, UK, USA, including Indonesia itself. 

So ATHE actually works together with LBIS Pre-University, where we can complete our bachelor degree in just 25 months. It is a full time study programme consists of 6-8 industry relevant modules per-year, some combination of examinations and assignment, and it can be completed in 9- 18 months.

At first we will study for 16 months in Jakarta as a pre-university student to obtain an International Advanced Diploma awarded by ATHE (from United Kingdom), Secondly we will study overseas for 9 months in a real university ATHE worked with in Singapore ,Australia, or even in UK and graduate with a Bachelor (HONS) Degree awarded by University of Sunderland, which means that the following progression routes have all been arranged and confirmed between ATHE and each university, however we can also apply to universities which are not on the list as many others will accept ATHE qualifications as they are regulated by UK government (Ofqual).

Pre-University of Singapore, a recognised higher education level of LBIS Pre-University is accredited to award level 3 International Diploma, ATHE (Level 4) Diploma, ATHE (Level 5) Advanced Diploma and ATHE (Level 7) Post-Graduated Diploma. ATHE, UK qualifications are internationally recognised by OFQUAL, the official examinations and qualifications in England, which is same as the regulator for Cambridge International Examinations. It means ATHE qualifications are on the QCF and recognized internationally.

And the Pre-University students in ATHE programme can actually apply for numerous professional qualifications upon graduation. Some program includes Institute of Accounting Technicians- Canada. The Institute of Accounting Technicians has exemption accreditation from ACCA and CIMA for members who have successfully completed CIAT (Certified Accounting Technician) program. So the students can check other Professional Qualifications that they’re keen in.

Thirdly, as I mentioned before, ATHE included comprehensive support material including suggested assignments, teaching and learning guidance and resources with an online bookstore or module for each level in the Pre-University:

1.      Principle of Marketing
2.      Essentials of Management
3.      Entrepreneurship
4.      Business English

1.      Business Environment
2.      Communication Skills
3.      People in Organizations
4.Applying Promotional Techniques

1.      Managing Communication
2.      Business Organizations in Global Context
3.      People Management
4.      Finance for Managers
5.      Research Project
6.      Planning a new Business Venture
7.      Marketing Principles and Practice
8.      Customer Relationship Management

Also I think this ATHE program is beneficial for our future career because we could have many career opportunities such as a degree in Business and Marketing, Accounting and Financial Management, Business Management or Business and Management that are highly relevant to the needs of organisations of all sizes and this career opportunities are available in almost all industries, across various levels of management.

And studying abroad might not be such a bad idea for all of us, because we can learn many different cultures with different education style, we could improve our communication skills to interact and socialize more with friends from diverse background, we can also exchange and get more knowledge or any necessary information in improving our skills and ability in coping with environmental pressure and demands or even learning to become an independent person so we don’t have to rely on everyone to finish our tasks.

So what are you waiting for, friends? Join the ATHE programme in LBIS Pre-University for your future success. It doesn’t need lots of requirements to join LBIS Pre-University, you just have give a copy of your report card; second, do an entry test after that, you can go into the list if you do the test successfully!

In the end of the day, we can say that ATHE is the first exclusive study program in Indonesia that help us to prepare for our future success and ATHE itself has successfully made a name for them with good customer service, rewarding qualifications and happy learners with progression routes to university degree.

For soonest response, please call us by +62 853 5956 2521 (Mr Genesis Sembiring)

By Elvina.Vincensia